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If you would like to share your information we will add you to our talent pool and reach out to you about opportunities you may be a good fit for.", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/symetra/1687544565::Swifty+Favicon"}, "postTalentNetworkMessage": "Thank You for Joining Our Talent Network!", "postTalentNetworkText": " ", "postReferralText": " ", "privacy": {"text": "<p>I have read, understood, and to the extent requested in this acknowledgement, consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of my personal information as described in this acknowledgement, the Symetra Privacy Notice, and, as applicable, <a href='https://recruiting.adp.com/srccar/CaliforniaPrivacyRightsAct(CPRA).dbprop?x=y&oemID=RTI_1165951&siteLive=false&_ext=pdf)'target='_blank' style='color:blue;text-decoration:underline'>Symetra\u2019s Notice at Collection</a> for California residents.<br></br>In order to use this service via web or mobile application, you understand and consent to your personal information being processed in accordance with the <a href='https://www.symetra.com/admin-pages/privacy'target='_blank' style='color:blue;text-decoration:underline'>Symetra Privacy Policy</a>. 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Equal opportunity covers all aspects of employment, including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, transfers, benefits, training, promotions, compensation, and termination. We seek, employ, and provide the means to grow and develop without regard to race, color, ancestry, national origin, religious creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, genetic information, military or veteran status, medical condition, or any other basis prohibited by applicable local, state, or federal laws. Symetra offers a drug free work environment where the possession, manufacture, transfer, offer, consumption or being under any influence of illegal drugs (under federal, state, or local law) or legal drugs (inconsistent with accepted frequency or dosage requirements) is prohibited. This applies while on the job or in any manner that may affect work performance or Symetra's interests or reputation. Symetra requires a criminal background investigation, employment, education and licensing verification, as applicable, as a condition of employment. Symetra participates in <a href=\"https://www.e-verify.gov/sites/default/files/everify/posters/EVerifyParticipationPoster.pdf\">E-Verify</a>. If you are a job seeker with a disability and require accessibility assistance or accommodation with the online application process, or require TTY/TDD assistance, please contact 1-800-796-3872. General inquiries about application status will not be addressed via this number. See more at <a href=\"https://www.symetra.com/AboutSymetra/Careers/ApplicantResources/FAQ/\">Applicant FAQ's\"</a>.</p></li>\n\n</section>\n\n<div class=\"ef-styles-2020\" style=\"padding-bottom: 20px !important;\"><p class=\"body-text-2\"><a href=\"https://eightfold.ai\" title=\"Visit Eightfold.ai homepage\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" style=\"color: white;\">Powered by <img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/eightfold_logo.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" align=\"middle\">eightfold.ai #WhatsNextForYou</a></p></div></div>\n\n</ul>\n</div>\n\n</footer>"}, "custom_style": {"css": ".reset-filters {color:#0677D1 !important;}.back-to-all-jobs {color: #0677D1 !important;}.back-to-all-jobs: hover {color: #007DD7 !important;}.remove-from-job-cart-button {background-color: #0677D1 !important; color: #FFF !important;}.remove-from-job-cart-button:hover {background-color: #FFF !important;color #0677D1 !important;border-color: #0677D1 !important;}.perk-icon{color: #0677D1 !important}.btn-secondary {border-color: #0677D1 !important;color: #0677D1 !important;}.btn-secondary:hover{border-color: #007DD7 !important;color: #007DD7 !important;}.fa-share {color: #0677D1 !important}.fa-share:hover {color: #007DD7 !important}.advanced-options-button {color: #0677D1;}.go-button {border: 1px solid #0677D1 !important;background: #0677D1 !important;color:#ffffff !important;}.go-button:hover{border: 1px solid #0677D1 !important;background: #ffffff !important;color:#0677D1 !important;}.advanced-options-button:hover {background-color: #FFF !important; color: #0677D1 !important; border-color: #0677D1 !important;}.job-cart-button {border: 1px solid #0677D1 !important;background: #0677D1 !important;color:#ffffff !important;}.job-cart-button:hover{border: 1px solid #0677D1 !important;background: #ffffff !important;color:#0677D1 !important;}.add-to-job-cart-button {background-color: #0677D1 !important; border-color: #0677D1 !important; color: #FFF !important;}.add-to-job-cart-button:hover {background-color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #0677D1!important; color: #0677D1 !important;}.position-apply-button {background-color: #0677D1 !important; border-color: #0677D1 !important;}.position-apply-button:hover {background-color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #0677D1!important; color: #0677D1 !important;}.btn {border-radius: 3px; !important;} .search-results-main-container .card-selected { border-left-color: #0677D1!important;}.position-card .position-title {color:#0677D1 !important;} .all-positions-header h1 {color:#000000 !important;}.apply-form .btn-primary {border: 1px solid #0677D1 !important; color:#ffffff !important; background: #0677D1 !important; border-radius: 3px; !important;}.apply-form.btn-primary:hover{border: 1px solid #ffffff !important;} .circle-number-indicator {background: #0677D1 !important;}.pillContainer .pillTitle {color: #0677D1 !important;}.position-facets h3 {color: #0677D1; text-align: left !important;} .card {text-align:left !important;}.personalization-bar-pre-upload {background-color: #fff; color: #0677D1 !important;}.get-matched-button {background-color: #0677D1 !important; border-color: #0677D1 !important;}.get-matched-button:hover {background-color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #0677D1 !important;color:#0677D1 !important;}.position-full-card {color:#0000000 !important;} .position-title {color:#0677D1 !important;} .position-sub-title {font-size: 18px !important;font-weight: 700 !important;color: #0677D1 !important;} .related-blog .blog-title {font-size: 16px !important;font-weight: 700 !important;color: #0677D1 !important;}.custom-content-title {font-size: 18px !important;font-weight: 700 !important;color: #0677D1 !important; align-self: flex-end !important;}.join-tn-link{color: #ffffff !important;}.pillTitle.line-clamp.line-clamp-3 {color: #0677D1 !important;} .match-bar {background: #cfd8dc !important;} .related-video iframe {height: 500px;} .perk {width: 200px;}.navbar {opacity: .8 !important;} .navbar img {height: 50px;} .jumbotron h1 {color: #47525A !important; font-size: 4.1875rem !important; font-weight: 500 !important;} .open-chat-bot-header {background-color: #0677D1 !important;} #eightfold-chatbot .botui-actions-buttons-button {background-color: #05599D !important;} #eightfold-chatbot .botui-actions-buttons-button.something-else {color: #ffffff !important;} #eightfold-chatbot .botui-actions-buttons-button.reset-button {color: #ffffff !important;} .navbar {position: relative !important;} .all-positions-header h1::after {\ncontent: \"Apply for hybrid and remote insurance and financial services jobs at Symetra. 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Do you love sales? If you answered yes, then read on - we have the role for you at Symetra as a Sales Support Specialist! If you're highly motivated, driven, enjoy building relationships and want to grow, this is an excellent opportunity to join us and take the first step in building a career in the Financial Services industry. About the role Our Sales Support Specialists play a key role in the success of our Retirement Division. In this position you'll collaborate with our Internal and External Wholesalers as they establish and build our life insurance and annuity products. Many of them started as Sales Support Specialists and were promoted into the Wholesaler roles as this is a team that strongly believes and follows a promote from within approach. Why work at Symetra? Here's what our current Sales Support Specialists have to say. \"I really enjoy the diversity of the type of work throughout my day. The variety of products, advisors, and firms we work with bring on a number of tasks and challenges that keep me fully engaged.\" - Elmer F. \"We work with a greater objective in mind and that is to give people the means and assurance to live their very best lives. I am proud to be part of that overall pursuit and mission.\" -Chris T. We are hiring year-round for this role and we're always looking for great Sales Support talent to join our team remotely. We invite you to apply and explore a career at Symetra. If you're a strong fit, we'll reach out to you directly to start a conversation as opportunities become available. What you will do Partner with Internal and External wholesalers to drive and complete territory sales through sales meetings and calls Assist with product inquiries and illustrations, updates on pending applications, and fulfill orders for marketing material and sales literature Collaborate on calling campaigns to launch new products and identify new sales opportunities Research, review and monitor the progress of business/sales submitted through all stages to completion keeping your internal teams and external advisors apprised on the status Be the go to source on the Sales Desk assisting our financial advisors and their teams with questions around product information, products rates, illustration requests and service issues. We're committed to building a creative, customer-focused and results-driven workforce. Specific licensing is required for this role, but there's nothing to fear. We're here to help you every step of the way, providing you with tools, resources and dedicated study time to be successful. Once you've achieved these milestones, the sky is the limit. Life and Disability license to be completed within the first week of start date Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to be completed upon hire or obtained within four months of start Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Series 6 -- Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative Qualification Series 63 -- Uniform Securities State Law Compensation $20.00 - $32.85 plus eligibility for annual bonus program Who you are Bachelor's degree (strongly preferred) Ability to pass a criminal background check and credit check Technical savviness and ability to learn systems quickly An aptitude for sales and desire to grow into an advanced sales role Ability to problem solve, think quickly and multi-task Strong communication skills and a stickler for attention to detail At ease on the phone with both outbound and incoming calls Ability to obtain required licensing if not already in hand within 2-4 months of start date Strong team orientation, customer focus, and the ability to thrive in a fast paced, results oriented environment where change and yes ambiguity are the norm Outstanding service orientation, sense of urgency and a high-level of personal integrity Excellent inter-personal skills and the ability to build and foster relationships with your team, internal business partners and external customers Complete and pass Life and Disability license exam within the first week of start date What we offer you We don't take a \"one-size-fits-all\" approach when it comes to our employees. Our programs are designed to make your life better--both at work and at home. Flexible work and telecommute arrangements Wellness program offering employees a variety of resources designed to assist you in reaching and maintaining your optimum health Paid time away options to accommodate your needs and life's events, including vacation (our favorite), illness, caring for a family member, volunteering, the birth or adoption of a child, the loss of a family member and more Ongoing learning and skills development through our college tuition assistance, professional education certification programs and more Plan for your future with our 401(k) plan and take advantage of immediate vesting and company matching up to 6% Give back to your community and double your impact through our company matching and/or participate in our company-wide week of service each June Want more details? Check out our Symetra Benefits Overview We empower inclusion At Symetra, we aspire to be the most inclusive insurance company in the country. We're building a place where every employee feels valued, respected, and has opportunities to contribute. Inclusion is about recognizing our assumptions, considering multiple perspectives, and removing barriers. We accept and celebrate diverse experiences, identities, and perspectives, because lifting each other up fuels thought and builds a stronger, more innovative company. We invite you to learn more about our efforts here. Creating a world where more people have access to financial freedom Symetra is a national financial services company dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals and feel confident about the future. In our daily work, we're guided by the principles of Value, Transparency and Sustainability. This means we provide products and services people need at a competitive price, we communicate clearly and openly so people understand what they're buying, and we design products--and operate our company--to stand the test of time. We're committed to showing up for our communities, lifting up our employees, and standing up for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Join our team and help us create a world where more people have access to financial freedom. Work Authorization Employer work visa sponsorship and support are not provided for this role. Applicants must be currently authorized to work in the United States at hire and must maintain authorization to work in the United States throughout their employment with our company. 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